Expert Property Management Services in Garden Grove

Garden Grove Property Management

APG Properties has been providing effective & efficient property management services in Southern California. APG Properties offer full-service Garden Grove property management services for property investors. We also cater people that are looking for single family homes, individual condos, or duplexes.

So whether you have invested in rental property and require a group of professionals to handle it or you have been hunting for the ideal residence for your loved ones, we’re here to help you.

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Being a Landlord is Not for Everybody

In case you’ve recently bought investment properties in this area or are likely to in the not too distant future, you’ve got to be prepared for the ups and downs involved with being the landlord in addition to the property owner.

We can tell you from experience that this is not for everybody.


Before taking on these duties, you need to answer these questions:

  • Are you ready financially if a tenant sues you and wins their case against you?
  • Can you handle all that’s involved with marketing your property through offline and online sources?
  • Do you have the patience needed to collect rents, late payments, and or bounced tenant checks?
  • Do you understand what’s involved with move-ins and move-outs?
  • Do you have what it takes to take care of tenants that don’t look after your premises or who are always late paying their lease?
  • In case you must evict a tenant, are you conscious of the legal responsibilities involved?
  • Are you able to remain current on fair housing laws which are constantly changing in addition to landlord/tenant legislation?
  • Will your loved ones understand the requirements of your duties as a landlord? How will they manage you getting up in the middle of the night to deal with a tenant crisis or not being home for supper?
As your Garden Grove property management partner, APG Properties can answer”YES” to each question above. We’ll relieve the stress and worry that managing rental properties involves so you have the time to concentrate on what is important such as spending more time with your loved ones or searching for additional investment opportunities.

Please Read Before You Start!

Note: Kindly provide as much details as possible so we may assist you better.